Ah, the potato and sweet potato gratin, the ideal dish to symbolize the harmonious union between the two political camps: the potatoes represent the classic, conservative side, while the sweet potatoes bring the progressive, reformist touch. Here is the recipe, with a pinch of political humor:
Ingredients :
- 4 “traditional” potatoes (because even potatoes can be traditional)
- 2 “progressive” sweet potatoes (for welcome diversity)
- 1 onion (symbol of unity, because it makes everyone cry)
- 2 cloves of garlic (to ward off political vampires)
- 200 g grated cheese (a coalition of flavors)
- 500 ml crème fraîche (to soften heated debates)
- 250 ml of milk (a neutral liquid, because neutrality is a rare quality in politics)
- 2 tablespoons of butter (because even politicians need grease)
- 2 tablespoons of flour (to thicken speech, like in politics)
- Salt and pepper (to season the debates according to your political taste)
- Nutmeg (optional, as the policy can be a little spicy)
Instructions :
Preheat the oven: Like preheating minds before an election, put the oven at 180°C.
Prepare the contestants - er, ingredients: Slice the potatoes, sweet potatoes, onion and garlic, as if you were preparing a coalition of flavors.
Make the béchamel sauce combination: In a saucepan, melt the butter and add the flour to create a solid alliance. Pour in the milk for a creamy combination and add the crème fraîche for a harmonious union. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste.
Assemble the government – er, gratin: Alternatively, arrange the potato and sweet potato slices in a gratin dish. Add onion, garlic and cheese between layers for a balanced representation.
Vote for the sauce: Pour the béchamel sauce over the layers, ensuring that it seeps between each slice as a well-negotiated compromise.
Cooking: Cover the gratin dish with aluminum foil to symbolize the protection of the unit, then bake for approximately 40 minutes. Remove the foil to expose the alliances formed and continue cooking until the gratin is golden brown and the potatoes are tender.
Proclaiming the results: Let the gratin rest for a few minutes, then serve it to your table. Applause is optional, but strongly encouraged.
And there you have it, you now have a potato and sweet potato gratin that eases political tensions while delighting your guests!